Instruction manual template

Instruction manual template is a sample manual document that shows the process, procedure and steps of giving instructions on how to performing repetitive or routines tasks and activities. A well designed instruction manual sample can help end users and operation stuff to understand the function properly.


Instruction Writing basics

Instruction manual can use the cognitive model of writing approach. The cognitive model of writing sees writing as problem solving, goal setting, and decision making activities that play out in the mind of the writer as he/she plans, translates thought to print, and revises. For this approach, at the beginning of composing, the manual writer start with defining the rhetorical problem of writing the particular piece of text. With the problem, the writer creates a hierarchical network of guiding goals that help to direct the development of the text. Writers may develop sub-goals which give support to their top-level goals.

Instruction manual can use the social view of writing approach. The social view of writing sees writing as social interaction. With this approach, writing is participation in a communicative event for the purpose of accomplishing some social goal. If the writing is effective, the social goal is attained through the performance of a pattern of generic discourse moves or practices recognized as conventional by members of the discourse community that regularly interact with each other through exemplars of the genre. Depending on the learning style and characteristics of target group, you may combine the two writing approach to writing an effective instruction manual

Instruction Manual Template Design

There is manual example you may download for reference, however, you may use Word to create sample instruction manual template for your own needs and situation. During the development process, it is key to understanding the instruction manual format, instruction manual layout and instruction manual outline.

The first key part in instruction manual template is the general information. In the section, you need to give background information on the instruction manual. For example, what is the principle of the instruction manual? The Instruction Manual Objectives:__ etc.

The second key part in instruction manual sample is detail process and procedure. In the section, you may state the detail steps for performing tasks. For example, the Technical Data:__; The Installation Process:__; The maintenance Instruction:__.

The last key part in instruction manual example is the roles and responsibilities. In the section, you need to show the roles and responsibilities of members. It is important to state clearly the supervisor roles and the staff roles etc.