Quality manual template

Quality manual template is a sample quality document that shows the process and procedure of managing service or product quality. A well designed quality manual sample can help business to enhance product quality and meet the needs of end users.


Quality Manual basics

Quality manual needs to take into account the customer needs and requirements. Customers are the lifeblood of every organization. All organizations provide something to others. Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations. Having a sustainable and consistent quality standard is crucial to meet the customer needs.

Quality manual needs the involvement of people from all levels. People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit. Quality manual need to consider the opinions and feedback from those who have hands on experience. It is not uncommon for those affected by decisions to be absent from the discussions.

Quality Manual Template Design

There is manual template you can download for reference, however, you can use Word to create your sample quality manual template based on business needs and requirements. During the creation process, it is important to consider the quality manual format, quality manual layout and quality manual outline.

The first key part in the quality manual template is the quality manual overview. In the section, you need to state the goals, objectives and principles of the quality manual. For example, the Quality Manual describes the Quality management System of ___; The objective of the Manual and the procedures, instructions and forms mentioned here is:__; The business background information:___.

The second key part in the quality manual sample is quality management process. In the section, you need to state details of quality management process, the sequence and the interactions. For example, Business has identified the following process:__; The interaction of these processes are:__.

The last key part in the quality manual example is the quality responsibility and authority. In the section, you need to state the roles and responsibility of person all the processes. For example, the General manager roles for quality:__; The quality manager roles for quality:__; The technical manger roles for quality:__ etc.